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Industry EMI

Industry EMI Courses


English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) aims to teach knowledge from a variety of different professional fields and build up the bilingual teaching/learning environment at NTNU to elevate the competitiveness of international higher education. This project aims to assist the university to promote teaching in English, develop support systems for instructors teaching in English, introduce international instructors with experiences of teaching in English abroad, and building environments for full English -learning. With the students being the main focus, we cultivate students’ English proficiency and in turn raise international mobility and employment competitiveness.


Regulations for Opening Industry EMI Courses


I.        The minimum enrollment for EMI courses will be subject to the regulations in “National Taiwan Normal University Minimum Enrollment Standards for Department and Graduate Institute Courses” as follows:

A.      Over 6 people and under 10 people: approved for opening and incentives (50% of the teaching hours)

B.      Over 3 people and under 6 people: approved for opening but no incentives

C.      Under 3 people: not approved for opening

II.      Full-time and part-time instructors who open EMI courses reviewed by the university will receive incentives according to the National Taiwan Normal University English Mediated Instruction (EMI) Incentives Enforcement Guidelines

III.    Existing industry internship departments can also open EMI course

IV.    Non-industry internship departments would need to open a new office to draft an EMI course structure to be reviewed by the department course committee, college course committee, university course committee.

V.      The hourly fees for the National Taiwan Normal University English Mediated Instruction (EMI) Incentives Enforcement Guidelines will be funded by the Ministry of Education’s Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College


Application for the hourly fees for industry EMI courses industry instructors

Instructors planning to open industry EMI courses can contact the EMI assistants in the NTNU colleges and provide course structures, fee estimation, and list of industry instructors for the Office of Academic Development (OAD) to register and apply for funds. After registering, the instructors/teaching assistants of industry EMI courses should provide the Attendance Fee (Consultation Fee) Sign-in Sheet and receipts for reimbursement.