Ms. Ying-chun Cho
Name Ms. Ying-chun Cho
Job title Project Staff
Office Tel No. (02)7749-1319
組別 Division of Research Coordination
Responsibilities 1. Handle “Project of NTU Triangle Alliance
2. Handle NTNU’s International Cooperative Subsidies:
(1) Project of International Research Center.
(2) Subsidy for Project of Talent Elevate.
(3) Promoting Project of International Cooperative
3. Handle application for NSTC in international cooperation.
(1) Short-term studies of science and technology personnel abroad.
(2) Graduate Students Study Abroad Programs.
(3) Recruit visiting technology talent.
(4) Invite international technology personnel to short-term studies.
4. Handle "Encourage Teachers’ Application for Integrated Research Project Subsidy"
5. Handle Short-Term Abroad Research Project of Assistant Professors /Doctoral Students