Division of Strategic Planning

Job title Name Office Tel No. Email Responsibilities
Job title Name Office Tel No. Email Responsibilities
Job title Name Office Tel No. Email Responsibilities
Job title Name Office Tel No. Email Responsibilities
Job title Name Office Tel No. Email Responsibilities
Job title Name Office Tel No. Email Responsibilities
Division Head Dr. Hung-Jen Tan (02)7749-1317 Supervise and synthesize division affairs. (Associate Professor, Department of Geography)
Senior Administrator Ms. Yi-Shiuan Su (02)7749-1330 1. In charge of awarding outstanding professors.
2. In charge of applications for matching funds of proposals.
3. In charge of organizing work report and meetings.
Senior Staff Ms. Wan-Yi Shen (02)7749-1469 1. In charge of teacher evaluation.
2. In charge of Research Fellow evaluation.
3. In charge of application for reduction in teaching hours.
Senior Staff Ms You-Wen Chang (02)7749-1337 1. Organizing the process of department evaluation.
2. In charge of application for managing and establishing centers.
Associate Administrative Secretary Mr. Chia-Ju Wu (02)7749-1493 1. Collection and statistic of NTNU research development and results.
2. Statistic and analysis of NTNU academic research systems and database.
3. Comprehensive analysis and assessment of NTNU research development.
Project Staff Ms Wan-Ling Chen (02)7749-1217 1. In charge of application and selection of R&D Substitute military service personnel.
2. In charge of Chinese to English document translation.
3. Recruiting Chair Professor and Distinguished Entrepreneur.
4. Management of ORD's website, announcements, and ePaper delivery.